标题: [三级] [美国/四级]壞女孩也需要愛 Naughty Girls Need Love Too 1983[AVI/486MB/FY/BT] [打印本页] 作者: 爱你不变色 时间: 2016-1-12 15:01 标题: [美国/四级]壞女孩也需要愛 Naughty Girls Need Love Too 1983[AVI/486MB/FY/BT]
【影片名称】:壞女孩也需要愛 Naughty Girls Need Love Too 1983
“在Marina del Rey的高层公寓是这个故事和他们精力充沛的初叶设置不雅的衣服。建筑是一个广泛的人,从一个大学教授性前歌舞女郎一个害羞的电脑天才。他们都有一个共同点是一个打野不修边幅的滑稽动作。而教授正忙于“家教”中一对女同性恋的性艺术学生,女演员正在经历她第一点潜规则。同时,一对好友交换日期,发现他们真正的比赛-或至少他们的比赛的夜晚!它不停地充当了性革命吹开场景完全肉体的享受后的景象。”
Description: "A high-rise apartment in Marina Del Rey is the setting for this tale of lusty beachcombers and their indecent laundry. The building is home to a wide cross-section of folks, from a college Professor of Sexology to a former showgirl to a shy computer genius. The one thing they all have in common is a smack for wild raunchy antics. While the Professor is busy 'tutoring' a pair of students in the art of Sapphic sex, the actress is experiencing her 1st smack of the Casting Couch. Meanwhile, a pair of buddies exchange dates and discover their true matches -- or at least their matches for the night! It's non-stop act as the Sexual Revolution is blown wide open in scene after scene of utter fleshly enjoyment."